Saturday 30 January 2016

The Cultural Appropriation Bollocks

I'm not a Beyonce fan by any stretch of anyone's imagination and just about am on the borderline with much of Coldplay's Bono-esque drivel, but I love this song. I like it for its imagery and I hope they get richer from it. 

More than that, I like it because it's riled up the professional butthurt, forever-offended Rhodes-Must-Fall, Bomb-Out-The-Bamiyan-Buddha, Demolish-The-Mosque brigade. You're all the same to me.

What the actual proverbial is this new bat-shit crazy PC cultural appropriation concept? Which bored 'suit' got paid to come up with this nonsense? Are Bollywood actors going to be called out for wearing Western clothing? Do we all go back to just wearing our own traditional attire? 

Seems like I'd have to go shopping for kurta-pajamas and juttis, forget cakes and switch to ladoos, stop miming to Bon Jovi and stick with Assa Singh Mastana...

You don't help eradicate the racial divide; you exacerbate it. Not that it affects you in any way, ensconced in your plush leather Chesterfields in your leafy Hertfordshire homes.

It's as though the Taliban infiltrated the Guardianista intelligentsia.

Watch this video. It's a joy to behold. And there's not a single snake charmer or flying carpet in sight...

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